The Cultural Detective® Series
The Cultural Detective® is a new approach to a centuries-old challenge: how to better understand and collaborate with people from other cultures. Rather than memorizing a long list of dos and don’ts, a trained facilitator assists participants’ discovery of core values that have been researched by cultural insiders and experts in intercultural communication for more than 60 world cultures.
Values motivate behaviour in all sorts of different combinations. Once participants grasp the core values of a culture, they are much better able to decipher the intentions behind the actions of their international colleagues, and better able to see their international colleagues as unique individuals influenced by culture, rather than as stereotypical representatives of another culture.
Now available as an online tool, in addition to downloadable .pdf files.
“Coaching Cultural Competence”
Outcomes of coaching on intercultural interactions can be related to remedial, implementation or developmental issues, such as:
- resolving conflict
- regaining control of an offshore operation
- acquiring a business partner
- negotiating a contract
- preparing a presentation
- joining a new team
- introducing and managing change
- building cross-cultural communication and relationships
- growing cultural sensitivity
Whatever the issues or the tenor of relationships, culture coaching aims at creating a skill-set that is portable across cultures at the same time that it responds to current issues.
Executive Programs:
“Developing Cultural Intelligence”
These programs are custom-designed for people with significant cross-cultural interactions and can be designed for small or large groups and focussed on one country, a region or multiple countries for the purpose of:
- improving business effectiveness through an understanding of cultural influences,
- learning specific country business practices, and
- interpreting actions and reactions of overseas counterparts
The result is enhanced business and social communication and increased credibility during business interactions overseas and with overseas counterparts/business partners in Australia.
Cultural Awareness Training:
“Understanding Cultural Differences”
Provides short-term assignees and Australia-based personnel with the:
- awareness needed to recognise the specific cross-cultural issues they will confront
- communications and intercultural relations skills appropriate to particular situations
Programs can be focussed geographically or on general approaches to intercultural communication.
Technology / Information Transfer Training:
“Train the Cross-Cultural Trainer”
Assists participants involved in the key task of technology or information transfer to:
- anticipate and to understand the attitudes, expectations, behaviour and reactions of their counterparts with different cultural backgrounds
- learn the cultural differences that might create barriers to the transfer of the technology, and
- identify ways of avoiding or overcoming these barriers
Multicultural Management and Team-Building:
“Working with Cultural Differences”
Program Goals:
- discover hidden barriers to the team’s success
- understand and utilise cultural differences
- apply cultural differences to team analysis
- create a plan for resolving issues
“OOO” Service:
Due Diligence and Business Relationship Issues
As a “help desk,” addresses intercultural issues from initiation of contact with a prospective overseas partner, through negotiations and de-briefing, by expanding a client’s team to include a Cultural Acumen facilitator and a “coach” with relevant business expertise and culture-specific knowledge. Following a particular interaction, Cultural Acumen de-briefs the team and provides input to strategy formulation or re-formulation in preparation for the next interaction.